Friday, June 11, 2010

Finding The Right Internet Provider

Everyone uses the Internet today. Business, pleasure, and news all come together online providing the desire and need to be able to connect to the almighty Internet. While finding an ISP may not be necessarily hard, finding an ISP for your needs just might.

Dial Up

Dial up may seem to have gone the way of the dinosaur, but you just might need dial up Internet all the same. If you travel a lot, subscribing to dial up may be something you need, even if you have a blue tooth enabled laptop.

While blue tooth technology may help you gain wi-fi access to the Internet, it is not always guaranteed and if you need to access your email often, chances are you will find times you are not able to get connected online. Dial-up can be purchased at a little over $5.00 a month and is a lifesaver for those Internet emergencies when in rural communities where wi-fi is not existent.

You may not need to even shop for your dial up software. Many high speed Internet providers offer dial up as an add-on at a discounted rate as well. If you travel a lot, dial up is something you just might want under your belt.


DSL works very well depending on your subscribed bandwidth. If you want to watch online movies or do downloads of files you should not be without DSL. The problem that lies with DSL is the fact that many people have traded in their landline phones in for cellular phones. If you are one of these people a problem exists with this Internet connection type ... you have to have a landline to have DSL.

While the standard DSL subscriber requires a landline phone, there are some providers that do not. One such provider is SpeakEasy or otherwise

SpeakEasy offers phoneless DSL but be prepared to spend some extra on your connection. With the extra convenience comes the extra price and you will be paying for it guaranteed. They do have excellent gaming packages however, and if you like to game online, you just might want to pay the extra anyways.


Cable Internet is an excellent high speed Internet option. You can get almost unlimited bandwidth options with this service to where a download is like opening a new web page. This service does not require a landline phone so if your a cellular phone converted consumer, this option is excellent for you.

Although this service doesn't require landline phone, they on average require a minimum cable TV package. If you don't watch much TV this may be a disappointing factor for you. While this is the common requirement of cable Internet, who's to say it won't change. Technology is growing in demand as well as innovation, so expect a change in the future to this requirement. Keep that in mind for DSL too, but don't hold your breath.


Satellite Internet sounds enticing at first and if you want high speed Internet and live in a rural area chances are this will be your only option. Don't expect blazing Internet speeds with this service. Faster than dial-up, yes. Faster than DSL, no. At the most expect a speed of a lower grade DSL package. Monthly pricing can be fair from $40.00 to $70.00 a month. Installation and activation however I have seen price at about $600.00 and that is not to mention a contract. This service is advised as a last resort option for Internet access.

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