Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Common Problems to Avoid in PDF

A Portable Document Format is an application which renders a professional appearance to the information. There are many times when you tend to create a Portable Document Format which displays a number of errors during printing process or when viewed on any system. Several techniques have been introduced in order to amend these errors.

Common Errors Viewed in PDF File:
In some Portable Document Format files, you will find that the fonts are not embedded into the file or only a few fonts have been embedded. Incorrect color spacing appears in other files. In some other documents, you may find low resolution images where as in other documents the images are very much compressed. This hampers the quality of the pictures or images in a document. It results in the loss of the quality of an image. In such cases, sometimes artifacts or work of art appear outside, around or inside the pictures. Some of the non-editable files display incorrect size of the page. In other cases, you may find the layout or margin of the page displayed in an undesirable manner. A person may also insert transparent images or objects and sometimes problems occur in the display of these files or documents. Most of the times, it happens that a Portable Document Format does not display the formatting as it is in the original file or document. This is a common problem faced by the users during the process of conversion of a document from any format into a non-editable format. All these are common errors found in a Portable Document Format application.

How to avoid these errors?
There are several pdf converter tools and techniques used to avoid commonly found faults in this non-editable file. You can have access to the computer programs which are available in the market. These computer programs enable you to convert a document into PDF without hampering the original format. You can also go for a preflighting process while creating these files. In this process, a person needs to check if the digital data is required to print a job are all present and valid. In this way, you can help avoiding the errors and make your file look professional.

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